It is often difficult to pay for emergencies even for an average family. Orphans have no one to turn to when a crisis hits nor do orphanages have extra money available for unforseen problems.
Please consider donating to the An Orphan Smiles Emergency Fund.
Your donations will be used in the event of unforseen hardships. These often include:
Urgent medical needs such as hospital assistance, medications, or surgery.
Disaster relief in the wake of flooding, extreme cold, fire.
Lack of Food
Legal assistance related to housing issues, government assistance, and other unfair treatment. Click here to read about Zhenia.
Emergency housing. Click here to read about the Graduate Support Center.
The winter of 2012 has brought extreme cold to Ukraine and most of Eastern Europe. An Orphan Smiles was able to provide an emergency generator and a replacement hot water heater during this deep freeze because of funds available in our Emergency Fund. At the same time. we were also able to provide $300 worth of medicine.
Please help us keep a balance in our Emergency Fund. Our goal is to maintain approximately $500 so that we can react within days to an emergency.